Winpe Charter for Gender Diversity

We, the members of Winpe, are committed to promoting gender diversity in the investing industry, and enhancing the representation, engagement and participation of women as advisors, capital allocators, investors and recipients of investment capital. We commit ourselves to:

I. Collectively advance the agenda at an industry level
  • Develop and share an organizational vision supporting gender diversity
  • Support, attend and partner with industry events promoting gender diversity
  • Actively embody inclusive leadership behaviours
  • Assess service providers and value chain entities on approach to diversity and inclusion
II. Crystalize an organizational commitment to creating a fair and equitable workplace, foster a top-down and bottoms-up approach to gender equality and integrate diversity and inclusion into the organizational culture
  • Equal opportunity hiring and employment, equal representation of women at all levels and pay parity; at firm, and at investee and portfolio companies
  • Women in leadership positions including on investment and management committees, at partner and team lead roles in firm; and on boards and CxO levels at investee and portfolio companies
  • Investing in women as business owners, entrepreneurs, founders and promoters
  • Commitment to measurement, accountability and transparency