Ask Me Anything with Ashley Menezes
The very first Ask Me Anything (AMA) event with ChrysCapital took place on September 22nd. This event was exclusively for women considering transitioning careers to Private Equity and Venture Capital (PEVC). In the session, important topics were discussed such as how to successfully switch careers, understanding PEVC career paths, essential skills, the differences between PEVC and traditional fields, upcoming industries, and what to expect in job interviews when making a career change.

The session started by giving an overview of the PEVC sector, explaining the different teams in these firms, such as investing, operations, strategy, and functions. The crucial skills like analytical thinking, finding deals (as you move up in your career), effective communication, and networking were also talked about. The importance of writing a good resume and being honest during interviews was emphasized. Additionally, the significance of a hunger for learning, curiosity, and having a logical mindset as key attributes were highlighted.

AMAs will be organized each quarter across Delhi NCR and Mumbai as small group discussions focused on detailed interactions.
